Sunday, April 14, 2013

Visual Literacy Project

This space was designed strictly for my visual literacy project for MEDT 7469.  The following links and information below are the three projects I designed or sought out when completing this project.

This project has opened my eyes visually to everything around me and has made me rethink visual design and how individuals take in visual aspects in everything they do.  I have reflected on media centers and classrooms that I have walked into and just thought that the space was not appealing to me, a visual learner.  When I think about everything I do for my Pre-K students, I come to realize our entire day is pretty visual especially because they do not read a lot or at all yet.  This project took on a whole new meaning to me once I sat and began thinking about everything I see visually around me.

Project 1:

Dewey Decimal PPT created in cataloging course

I really enjoyed looking at other individual's Spicynodes and when I thought about a project I could enhance visually the Dewey PPT came to mind.  When I think about my original PPT I think about how boring it would be to sit through that...with Spicynodes I enhanced the presentation, but would still continue to keep my PPT picture slides of actual material from the media center to go once step further with the visuals for the presentation.  Below are the original slides for the PPT.  The slides that are smaller are the information I included in the Spicynodes presentation.  The bigger slides with the pictures would still be used along with the Spicynodes presentation.  The enhanced link for the Spicynodes presentation is below the PPT slides.

Link for Spicynodes presentation:

Project 2:

After reflecting on what I do daily for my Pre-K students in the classroom, I decided to gather different photographs of all the visual aspects we do on a daily basis.  I have included a clip of different photographs along with a couple of videos to show you all we do visually in the Pre-K classroom.  Enjoy!

Link for Photograph Video:

Link for Brown Bear visual:

Project 3:

This project consists of signs that were seen in a library and that I use weekly and would incorporate into my future media center setting.  These signs have helped me and other individuals I have spoken with find information quickly without searching the online database.  These will definitely be something I incorporate into my media center in the future and promote during my beginning of the school year orientation.

 *This pictures were taken with permission courtesy of the Central Library in Coweta County.

As mentioned above this project has helped me better understand visual literacy and the importance of having visuals, especially ones that appeal to your audience.  Through the creation of this blog, I figured this would be yet another tool to visually appeal to my audience when viewing my projects.  I hope you have enjoyed viewing my projects and the reflection that has gone along with the creating of this visual literacy project.